“Euro-youth MEDIALAB” is a two year project funded by the European ERASMUS+ programme Key action 2. The project has 10 partners from: Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland,  France, Nothern Ireland (UK), Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.

The aim of the project is to work with young people who will act as Youth Reporters to explore what citizenship means to them and share it with MediaLab youths involved in the project. A virtual platform enables the young people to discuss the issues that are important to them as citizens in a changing Europe.


The multi-sectoral partnership is composed of 10 organisations including 5 associations, 3 local/regional authorities, 1 university and 1 regional innovation center coming from :

Bulgaria Croatia Finland France Italy
North-Ireland (UK) Poland Slovakia Spain Sweden

Working in rural areas, as well as largest cities, providing their services in religious conflicts areas as well as regions where youth unemployment is over 55%, partners members decided to join their skills, expertises and knowledges to develop this new strategy.

Read more about partnership

Europe Direct Membership : A great advantage of the project is that all its members are part of the europe direct’s network. That will guarantee a large spreading of its results and products among all european regions.

 Multimedia Reports

After researching the key issues they want to explore each of the 10 local groups of youth reporters produce multimedia reports to share their findings.

The multimedia reports are shared locally and with the other partners online to share the issues, ideas and research across each region.


Each of the 10 partners will work with a local group made up of 10 – 20 youth from diverse backgrounds.

The partners will support the youth to act as youth reporters to actively drive the project to:

  • Identify key EU issues they want to explore in their region
  • Research the information they need by connecting with a large variety of local actors across all sectors
  • Produce multimedia reports to share the information with other young people both locally and throughout the project
  • Raise public awareness of common EU issues such as migrants
  • Impact on their local community and wider society


The ten local groups will collaborate to debate one common issue: migration and discuss it during an debate and virtual exchange. After exploring the issue online with their partners each local group of youth reporters will host a debate at local level and produce a video report.


The aim of this platform is to support virtual exchanges between the local groups of youth reporters to share their multimedia reports and to animate a common debate on the issue of migrants in the EU.

It also provides an opportunity of any organisation working in the field of youth to

  • Register any local group to use all or parts of the strategy to engage youth developed by this project
  • Identify potential partners to organize virtual or real youth exchanges with local youth reporters already involved in this project
  • Use multimedia reports produced by the local groups of  youth reporters as pedagogical tools to work with their own youth
  • Propose a transnational debate on common European issues between youth in order to foster common shared values
  • Work in the framework of transsectorial partnerships


Youth from each of the local groups will interact with other youth groups in their region to share their multimedia reports, point of views, ask for information etc. Youth from local groups in France, Sweden, Spain, Bulgaria, Northern Ireland and Finland will also benefit from participating in real exchanges. During the 2yr programme these six of the partners will take part in youth exchanges which will include 5 youth and one leader from each region.                  

 Let’s see it in video !