Dissemination Event – France

Highlights of the dissemination event of Euro Youth MediaLab partnership in French and English

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Dissemination Event – France

Highlights of the dissemination event of Euro Youth MediaLab partnership in French and English More reports from this local group:...

Dissemination Event – France

Highlights of the dissemination event of Euro Youth MediaLab partnership in French and English More reports from this local...

Lancio del giornale “Media Lab Info”

The French local group present the first edition of their newspaper

La situazione dei minori isolati

Report about isolated minor including life-story and answer from Khadija

Call per il giornale

The french call for participation to a newspaper

Let’s talk about Europe

The french MediaLab group is debating about the migrant issue

Corri come una ragazza

Ispirato alla campagna “Corri come una ragazza”

MediaLab’Info Newspaper

MediaLab’Info Newspaper

Youth Exchange about migration

Report from the youth exchange about migration